Wraps with Olive Pesto

Rating: 3.6 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min




Pasta dishes are always a good idea!


Make a creamy batter from the ingredients opposite and finish baking in a little oil in a frying pan to make patties. Spread out the individual patties and spread thinly with the olive pesto. Top with sausage, vegetables or cheese as desired. The wrap can be arranged individually and “flavored” with a little Worcester sauce, Tabasco or fresh herbs. Roll up the wrap and heat in the oven at 160 C° for 4 minutes, cut open and bring to the table. Pesto: Each pesto is mainly composed of 4 elements: 1. : a flavoring > ricotta, tomatoes, olives, etc..

2nd : nuts > pine nuts, sesame seeds, almonds, walnuts, preferably lightly browned 3rd : an herb > sage, parsley, rosemary, basil, etc.

4. : Olive oil! Garlic is not a must! In order to give it a little bit of its “poisonous tooth”, it has proven useful to blanch the individual cloves briefly. Always season with salt & pepper, sugar or honey and the juice of a lemon. Depending on your preference and consistency, you can also use the pesti to fill pasta.

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