Veal Veal on Riesling Cabbage with Potato Gratin

Rating: 1.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For The Riesling herb:

For The Potato Gratin:

For garnish:


Season meat with salt and pepper. Dust meat with flour, fry in olive oil all around. Extinguish with white wine, add a little brown stock, garlic and thyme. Cook in a hot oven for about 45 minutes until tender. Repeatedly baste with its own liquid. For the Rieslingkraut, caramelize sugar in a saucepan until light. Add butter and onion cut into strips, pour in wine. Add cabbage cut into noodles, season with salt, pepper and caraway seeds. Steam the cabbage until tender.

For the gratin, remove peel from potatoes and cut into 1 mm slices with a cucumber slicer. Mix briefly with salt, pepper and olive oil and place in a very well buttered gratin dish like a roof tile.

Stir the cream with 1 tsp. cornflour and pour over the potatoes. Cover with garlic slices and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Bake in the oven for about 45 minutes until golden brown. Thicken the broth with cornstarch and add butter. Bind the stewed cabbage with cornflour and refine with cream.

For the garnish, fry 3-4 pieces of tomatoes on the panicle (should hang together) in olive oil, season lightly with salt.

Arrange the veal on Rieslingkraut and garnish with tomatoes.

Serve the potato gratin separately in a small gratin dish.

White wine

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