Veal Tongue Salad with Beans

Rating: 3.5968 / 5.00 (62 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour


For the brew:

For the bean salad:


For the broth, coarsely dice the vegetables and boil them together with the aromatics in salted water. Put in the tongue and boil for about 90 minutes, until you can feel each other’s fingers when pressing with your thumb and forefinger on the tip of the tongue. Remove from the stock, let cool slightly but not completely, and peel off the skin. Strain the stock through a sieve and reserve. For the bean salad, soak the beans in water overnight in a saucepan.The next day, put on with the onion, garlic and thyme and bring to a boil. Now first season with sea salt and cook the beans until tender, 1 1/2-2 hours. Let cool in the broth.For the marinade, finely dice the shallots and garlic. Mix with about 1 cup of the tongue stock kept on hand, balsamic vinegar and mustard. Slowly stir in the olive oil in a thin stream and marinate the beans in this marinade for at least half a day.Thinly slice the peeled tongue, warm it briefly in a little stock, but do not boil it again. Finely chop the spring onions. Briefly scald the tomatoes, peel, remove the seeds and cut into small cubes. Add the tomatoes and spring onions to the tongue. Arrange the marinated beans on plates, lift out the warm tongue and place decoratively. Add a little olive oil and coarsely chopped parsley to the stock and bring to the boil briefly. Drizzle plenty of stock together with the tomatoes and spring onions over the tongue and serve immediately.

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