St. John’s Cheese – Jana Sirs

Rating: 5.0 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



St. John’s Day or Summer Solstice (June 24) is traditionally one of the most important holidays in the Baltic countries. People meet in the family, in the neighborhood, they go to the country, visit relatives, there are folk festivals.

Big bonfires are lit. People sing and dance for hours, jump over the fire – and lovers also meet. To the picnic one takes among other things the “Jana siers” (St. John’s cheese) prepared beforehand: Bring water and milk to a boil. Beat the eggs with a little cold milk until creamy, add the finely crushed curd cheese, heat the whole thing gently until liquid separates.

Fold a double piece of gauze, moisten it, put it on a sieve, then pour the cheese mixture on it. Gather the dish hangl together, swirl so that the liquid drains off. Quickly add butter, salt and caraway seeds to the drained quantity with a wooden spoon, so that the quantity does not cool down beforehand, otherwise it will become hard. (If the quantity is nevertheless cooled beforehand, it is necessary to heat it repeatedly with a little bit of butter in a saucepan, stirring, until it becomes smooth). Then wrap the cheese mass in the damp crockery, tie it up, give it a round flat shape, press it lightly. After drying, rub with salt as you like.

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