Simple Orange Muffins – without Egg,

Rating: 3.625 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



A cake recipe for all foodies:

3/4 tas. Sugar, less works just as well 1/2 tas. Tas. As. Water, can be substituted with orange- – juice juice aft

Karen: “I’ve tried an eggless blueberry muffin just the other day, and it turned out better than I expected. I wanted the muffins to be Very moist, sweet, and rather dense. ” [See blueberry muffins] ” These ” [i.e. the orange muffins] ” came out nicely also, but a little lighter in texture.” Preheat kitchen oven to 180 °C, butter muffin tins. Finely grate orange zest, squeeze juice. Knead tofu with sugar until well combined (or mix in hand mixer). Mix in orange zest, orange juice, oil and water.

Combine flour, baking powder , cream of tartar and salt, stir through tofu-orange-oil-water mixture.

Fill muffin tins (2/3 full) and bake for about 15 min (until muffins are lightly browned, or check with wooden pin: it must come out clean after poking).

Karen’s comments: “I always use tofu as an egg-replacer in baked goods, with excellent results. It may only be luck, or coincidence, so if you don’t have a piece of tofu handy, try omitting it.

These muffins are pretty sweet, so you may want to decrease the amount of sugar used. The sugar does seem to act as a humectant though, so the muffins will stay a little moister in storage if you use more sugar.”

(*) According to the dictionary: “Cream of tartar”: purified cream of tartar, double tartaric acid cheese.

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