
Rating: 3.8676 / 5.00 (68 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



For the pickles, brush the cucumbers well under running water and place in salt water for 24 hours. Dry them and put them in prepared clean jars.Intersperse some dill weed, tarragon, basil, peppercorns, mustard seeds, very little anise and some horseradish slices.

Make a solution of 3 parts white wine vinegar and 1 part water with salt and sugar and boil it. Pour it over the cucumbers and let them stand for 1 week. Then drain the juice, boil it again, let it cool and pour it over the cucumbers again. The juice must cover the cucumbers well.

Close the jar tightly with a lid or hermit paper and store the pickles in a dark place.

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