Mustard Pickles #2

Rating: 2.5 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min




Perhaps your new favorite bean dish:

Remove peel from thick, large yellow cucumbers, cut in half (maybe quarters) and scrape out with a spoon. Add salt. Let stand for 24 hours, stirring frequently. On top of that, pour off the water and dab with old cloths (maybe dish towels).

Place in preserving jars. But be careful! Underneath and in between, as well as on top come subsequent spices:

Some tarragon, enough fresh dill with seeds and savory horseradish cut into slices and onions cut into slices. Add: pepper and mustard seeds, bay leaves and 1 clove in each jar (remove flower). You can also add a little ginger. In the meantime, boil vinegar with water (depending on the sharpness of the vinegar in the ratio 1 to 2, respectively 1 to 3). Pour hot over the cucumbers form to 1 cm below the rim of the jar. Make 30 min. at 90 °C in the wake-up pot.

After waiting about 1/2 year they taste delicious, at least to my family and me.

Do not be too sparing with the spices.

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