Gray Peas

Rating: 3.8 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



A recipe from the 30-year war, from the Wilster area: soak dried peas for one night, the following day make the peas with pork cheek.

To do this, fry onions and bacon in butter, then add cooked peas and the (sliced) pork cheek. The shorter the peas are cooked beforehand and the longer they make with the “cheek”, the better the peas and soup taste.

Add pre-cooked diced potatoes and sausage, and whipped cream, whipped cream, whipped cream. It’s what makes the peas so gray.

“In the past, farmers ate this for breakfast, it was enough for

Our tip: use bacon with a subtle smoky note!

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