Curd Cheese Pancakes After Grandmother

Rating: 3.375 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



For watering:


Try this delicious cake recipe:

(*) Cooking as in South Tyrol Mix well the sifted flour with the milk and a pinch of salt, gradually fold in the eggs, add the oil and sugar. Let the dough rest.

Bake six narrow pancakes in a row in a little butter.

For the filling, mix salt, butter, sugar, egg yolks and lemon zest until creamy. Add curd cheese, raisins and sour cream. Whip egg whites to stiff peaks and fold in loosely.

Fill the pancakes thickly with this mixture, roll them up, and layer them diagonally on top of each other in a shallow, buttered casserole dish. Mix milk, eggs and sugar and pour over the dish. Bake in a well heated oven. To serve, cut diagonally.

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