Mixed Wheat Bread with Yogurt

For the mixed wheat bread, put flour and spices in a bowl. Heat water, oil and yogurt, stirring constantly. Stir the yeast in it. Prepare the dough with it and let it rise. Knead the dough again adding flour, form into loaves and bake the mixed wheat bread at 200-220° C top and bottom heat … Read more

Melanzania Casserole with Pecorino Crust

Cut the tomatoes crosswise on the round side, blanch in portions, rinse and drain. Peel, quarter, core and roughly dice the tomatoes. Peel and finely dice the garlic. Cut the pepper in half lengthwise, remove the seeds and finely dice. Brown the lamb mince in 2 tbsp olive oil. Add half of each of the … Read more

Asparagus Pan with Turkey

For the asparagus pan, clean and peel asparagus and carrots, cut asparagus into approx. 2 cm pieces, carrots leafy and cook in some salted water (add a little sugar) until al dente. In the meantime, dice turkey meat and fry it hot in some oil. Put meat out and pour some asparagus cooking water. Add … Read more

Veal Veal on Vegetable Cream Sauce

For the Veal Meatballs on Vegetable Cream Sauce, cut the pancetta into small cubes. Cut the vegetables into small pieces. Season the veal with salt and pepper and fry in oil. Take out the veal meatballs, add the vegetables, pancetta and bay leaf and sauté. Add tomato paste, mix well and continue roasting until a … Read more

Veal Steaks with Morel Sauce

Soak morels in lukewarm water for 90 min (not longer, even if the package instructions say otherwise). Then pour through a coffee filter or a sieve lined with kitchen roll. Collect the liquid. Rinse the morels thoroughly, one by one, under cold running water. Then dry and cut to size to taste. Heat the fat … Read more

Fluffy Zucchini Cake

For the zucchini cake, beat the egg whites until stiff. Beat yolks with sugar until foamy, pour in oil. First add zucchini and hazelnuts, then flour, baking powder and cinnamon. Finally, fold in the beaten egg whites. Pour into a baking dish and bake at 180 degrees for about 25 minutes. After baking, spread the … Read more

Rice Salad

For the rice salad, cook the rice and set aside. Peel and dice the onion. Peel and finely chop the garlic. Heat butter in a pan and sauté onion and garlic in it. Clean and wash mushrooms, cut into thin slices and add to pan as well. Cut artichokes into bite-sized pieces. Finely chop parsley … Read more

Rice Pudding

Bring milk to a boil with butter and vanilla pudding powder, boil down the rice and steam until soft. Allow this mixture to cool and then mix in the egg yolks and flavoring ingredients. Beat egg whites, sugar and salt until stiff and fold in gently. Spread the mixture on the lower third of a … Read more

Orange Pineapple Cheese Cream

For the orange-pineapple cheese cream, mix cream cheese with milk and put into freshness bags. Place the pineapple slices on four small plates. Top each with a ring of the cheese cream. Peel orange and cut horizontally into 8 slices. Place one orange slice on each of the cheese cream, drizzle again and place the … Read more

Blunze with Sauerkraut

For Blunze with sauerkraut chop onion and fry a little in oil. Add sauerkraut, juniper berries, bay leaf, caraway seeds and soup. Stew for 20-25 minutes. Grate potatoes into the sauerkraut, boil for 5 minutes and season with salt and pepper. Cut blunze in half lengthwise and sear on both sides in a non-stick pan … Read more